About WebCrypt


WebCrypt is a client-side file encryption application that utilizes the Web Crypto API to provide secure encryption and decryption of files using a private key. The application is built with JavaScript and runs entirely in the user's browser, ensuring that sensitive data never leaves the client-side.

Encryption Algorithm

WebCrypt employs the AES-GCM (Advanced Encryption Standard - Galois/Counter Mode) encryption algorithm, which is a widely-used and secure symmetric-key cryptographic algorithm. The key used for encryption is derived from the user-provided private key using the PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2) algorithm with a random salt and 100,000 iterations.


WebCrypt relies on the following dependencies:

Key Management

WebCrypt does not provide a built-in mechanism for key management or key exchange. The private key used for encryption and decryption must be provided by the user during each session. It is recommended to follow these best practices for secure key management:

Proper and Secure Usage

To ensure the security of your data when using WebCrypt, it is recommended to:


While WebCrypt provides a secure client-side encryption solution, it's important to note the following limitations: